Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am happy today, and here is why...

1. I left ON TIME for school.
2. I came out of my apartment to find my car written on with car marker...
"BABE!!!"...and... "You are the best...Hottie!" haha. hil.arious.
3. My mint green nail polish
4. I'm going to st GEEEE tomorrow :)
5. Even though I got pulled over and couldn't find my license and received a ticket AND was late to school because of it...the cop was pretty nice. :/ (alright fine, I'm pissed about it..but i'm trying to be positive)
6. I get to go to art history in half an hour. I. Love. It.
7. I am going to WALES and ENGLAND next summer.
8. My family members are my best friends.
9....and my roommates are
10. Facebook is overrated.


Monday, October 11, 2010

no more fazeboog?


it's true. i deleted my facebook. and... i cried. HALRIGHT not really.
but um.
i decided i don't really want my whole life posted online...
so NATURALLY i turn to blogging.
somehow in my mind this is better? mmmmyeahhhh.
let's see how long this lasts... :/

life is GOOD right now.
i only have two more days of class and then i'm headed to st geeezay
for fall break. yeah yeah YEAH.
not even excited about it at all......nope.
so whatever. nbd. see you fools LAYTUH.

here's a picture for your entertainment. juuusss fer fun. k, BYE.

heppy helloween.